Inheritance Gift
When we’re young we accumulate stuff
Near the end we say enough’s enough
We won’t be able to take it with us
Unless we’re buried inside a bus
But even then, what would we choose
To befriend and comfort our permanent snooze
Our plots would resemble a rubbish skip
Filled to the brim like a cargo ship
It’s better we leave it all behind
As inheritance for others to decide
To do with it whatever they please
Even sell it for a few rupees
Others can move it from place to place
Filling up their mortgaged space
Until such time they feel no sin
And toss it all in the recycle bin
But what to do with the digital drives
With photos full of beautiful times
That lie like ghosts ready to appear
For those alive to revere
A lifetime of experience might be lost
From drives inadvertently tossed
By relatives that don’t give two hoots
About technology junk that just pollutes
Encoded in billions of bits and bytes
On Facebook, Twitter and other sites
Our accumulated stuff will lie dormant
For when we’re gone, it’ll be unimportant
But there is one item I’d like to reserve
For that special relative to conserve
A collection close to my heart
To bequeath to one before I depart
A lifelong assembly of terabytes
My compilation of visual delights
A gift for prosperity, no need for congrats
Three million or more funny videos of cats